We have seen how this pandemic has caused increased strain and stress to our medical staff in many different ways.

The BHMSA and The Wellness Group has recognized the reality of this distress and focused on medical staff safety.

In terms of improving medical staff connections, we have promoted a culture of collegiality and peer support. Last year and earlier this year, we hosted a webinar, “Peer Support Conversations” – this course was fully registered and felt to be particularly useful during this time of increased stress.

In terms of improving personal resilience, we have promoted the importance of basic self care. Last month, we hosted a webinar, “Managing Personal Energy” – this course was also fully registered and well received.

At the regional level, we have helped contribute ideas to the FHA Physician Wellness Working Group in developing its “Vision”, “Mission”, “Values” and “Strategic Plan” – this was finalized and presented at the FHA Physician Wellness Conference in November 2020. Our BHMSA Wellness Group was also featured at that conference, as an example of how to build wellness teams in communities.

As the pandemic appears to be settling, we ask “how will we move forward from the impact of this pandemic?”

We are welcoming new members to our committee. If you are interested please contact contact@bhmsa.ca