Advanced Physician Wellness Course
The Advanced Physician Wellness (APW) Program has been taught to hundreds of physicians in the US and around the world ( It is regularly offered to Kaiser Permanente (one of the largest HMOs in the US) physicians and residents in several residency programs (Michigan State Medicine since 2009).
APW will provide an opportunity for participants to become familiar with the techniques taught and to connect with fellow physicians. In addition, physicians will learn techniques that can easily be taught to patients and followed up on
Previous course results:
- Course was held Jan 7-9, 2022
- 11 physicians registered/9 completed
Lesson Learned:
- Poll showed a significant reduction in physicians reporting having felt burned out from work post-session (Presession, 54.5% reported not feeling burned out from work & 45.5% reported yes to feeling burned out at work. Post-session, 75% reported not feeling burned out, and 25% reported yes to feeling burned out).
- Testimonial, “It was truly a wonderful experience, and I feel sorry for others who missed out on it. You’ve done a good thing; it’s early, please continue pursuing this for the hospital, so many could benefit, I think” (Dr. Chris Bozek)